martes, 24 de septiembre de 2013

Recommendation Letter

Luis Enrique Ortiz
2910 Ave. Vía Hispanidad
Zaragoza, 110867
2006 Ave. Paseo Gran Vía
Zaragoza, 150292
September 18, 2013
To whom it may concern:
I am studying English language teaching at Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, and I recommend Luis Enrique Ortiz for the position of English teacher at Tecnológico de Monterrey. I meet him since he was studying in this university in the same major as me. We have done some projects together, so I know his way of working. Nowadays, we are still in contact in order to share relevant information and helpful strategies and techniques to giving English classes.
Currently, Luis Enrique already has some teaching abilities. He uses a wide variety of useful resources that reinforce the learning process. For example, using authentic and creative teaching material helps him to create dynamic classes. That attitude makes students feel comfortable in his classes. A good communication among him and his students is another aspect that Luis Enrique always emphasizes. Also, the way he communicates new and interesting ideas and his leadership allow him to demonstrate his capacity of working in a collaborative way inside a team.
Luis Enrique’s abilities, capacities, and dedication make him a teacher that can excel wherever he works. His experience in teaching young people as well as his training allow him to help students to keep real contact with language. The use of technology is one of those ways that he uses for practicing in the classroom as well as extra activities at home to reinforce the topic they saw in class. Because of his creativity using technology and useful and dynamic activities, I believe Luis Enrique is a good option for your university. In my opinion, he is a person that really loves teaching because he enjoys it.
Nelva Villalvazo
UAA’ student

miércoles, 18 de septiembre de 2013

Purpose Statement

“Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work” Aristotle. I agree that the main key of success in any job is an efficient communication as well as creating in a friendly environment. Additionally, at school must be a place where students can develop the use of the language. Another aspect that I like is sharing needs and ideas that create a positive improvement that benefit students. The purpose of teaching in a private school is sharing my experience working with young adults where I can benefit them in the process of learning a second language. Because I want to achieve this purpose, I will establish an effective communication among people who are working with me. Essentially, being opened minded when receiving constructive comments is an attitude I want to develop as well. Respectfulness creates great social interactions, so avoiding unnecessary discussions and fights represent a useful attitude. Because I want to give a better service, I will use technology with a  wide variety of creative and helpful material. 

martes, 10 de septiembre de 2013

Three Aspects that Make a Good Class when Teaching English

    Have you ever thought how a good class is like? English language teaching requires three aspects to consider in order to create a good class. Those three aspects are not the only ones, but they are centered basically on the teacher’s role. The teacher, as the immediate facilitator, requires paying attention to some proper attitudes and aptitudes to take into consideration in order to create advisable and advantageous classes. Teaching English as a second language includes aspects like promoting an effective communication among teacher and students, using creative and authentic material, and applying dynamic activities help to create good classes.

    Promoting an effective communication among the teacher and students and among themselves is the first attitude that creates a good class. Teaching involves the use of social interaction that involves communicating ideas, feelings, and emotions. Communication builds everything. When learners feel comfortable, they express their ideas better and more understably. In addition, it will be easier for the teacher to give them feedback and viceversa. So, effective communication is the first step that creates a good and easier way to learn a new language.

    Using creative and authentic material is another aspect that a teacher needs to pay attention when teaching a foreign language. This kind of material helps students understand the topic better that they have seen in class; furthermore, it needs to be according to students’ personality. Those can be auditory, visual, or kinesthetic. Because there are a variety of types of students, the teacher can identify those types in the students. So, the use of creative material offers many benefits throughout the learning process.

    Applying dynamic activities help learners to practice actively in the development of the language. Because sometimes even good teachers use the same type of activities each class, they give boring and stressful classes. Creating creative and dynamic activities promote the learners’ effective participation. If the teacher knows how to balance those activities, second language learners will find the most effective way to learn. So, the use of effective and creative dynamics helps to support the knowledge that was received in class.
     Although teaching is an activity that requires being in front of a class, aspects as good communication, creative material, and dynamic activities help to develop good classes. Those three give many benefits and advantages that implement a pleasant and friendly environment in the classroom. Consequently, students will have a better and progressive development in the use of the language. Even though the teacher sponsors those aspects, students decide how much useful those are. So, effective communication, appropriate material, and engaging activities should be focused on creating interesting, creative, and dynamic classes when teaching English as a second language.