domingo, 24 de agosto de 2014

Sonnet 10

When I look the thoughts mix things
They give new colors, sounds, and light smiles
 Appearing as the melody when sing
Or clouds when moving fasting to some eyes

Smelling problems these current lives have
Touching smiles people offer once a mile
Seeing the ups and downs I have been had
Hearing complains every day  at a line

No worry ‘cause a figure supports to me  
No tears ’cause tissues keep me dry
No crying ‘cause it is a waste of time
No suffering ‘cause blessings are so kind

Today I’m not worried of happiness…
…happiness is hidden in the environment. 

martes, 1 de julio de 2014

Sonnet 9

Enchanted place is located so near
Where a fountain is sharing fresh honey
Surroundings are scented by flowers’ tears 
Where living today is the main key

When it rains, colorful rainbow appears
When it’s sunny the progress is seen too
The lowercase letters never affects
‘Cause feelings are strong as glaring clue

The heart’s place is warm as chimney in fall
It´s transparent and bright as new glass
It’s comfortable as palace of doll
It’s lovely ´cause anywhere love lasts

Everywhere it’s commonly called house
For practical ends, it’ll be our house     

lunes, 26 de mayo de 2014

Sonnet 8

Every time heavy dark clouds make figures
Shapeless shadows without end or color
With a defined purpose as yours
Unscented as dry thing without odor

Fasting words are coming from this round mouth
The earth stops walking side the big star
The air gives actually no life to laugh
I hesitate which effect my words mark

Discovering a new paradise
Where little rocks made wider better course
When time is changing us ’cause our deep eyes
Are over forgiveness awful words caused

When clouds appear to hesitate your mind
Remember someone is in this mankind  

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

Sonnet 7

Should eyes compare sunny and rainy days?
Should mouth hesitate when lips are coming?
Should mind remember every single face?
Should heart forget distress while I’m dreaming?

Should ears reject all concrete weird sound?
Should dream tell false or true story?
Should arms hold and resist a being that was found?
Should dulcet breath guide me to absolute glory?

Passionate vibrations look into my skin
I love it, I love him, I love you too
Not time for thinking only to begin
‘Cause here this mind and thoughts give unique clue     

There were many questions surrounding me
Solution lives inside, only let it be.    

viernes, 28 de marzo de 2014

Sonnet 6

Remembering past times feelings are blue
A brilliant drop is falling near from here
But darkness night is crying only for you
‘Cause ebony being admires a black clear tear

Too plain is white sea as plain is this heart
Too dry is desert as dry are brown eyes
Too old skill as free Renaissance art
Too deep mind as dark valley without size

A beautiful flower emerges from land
It’s living, it’s changing, it’s growing
It wants to feel alive no getting mad
If changes make them anger or smiling

The things seems strange but lovely
Accept the inner true feelings kindly.   

miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2014

Sonnet 5

Angelical sounds mix up busy old head
Between rock and hard wall a cliff stays on
Beseech peaceful lax place as downy bed
A muted long sweet prayer is said alone

Refusing all form of misconception
The truthful mirror landscapes has within       
No signal rises to unlocked reception
Emerging bloody twister coming in

The fog is disappearing to new east
The ray of light intensifies a tear    
‘Cause war is bringing happiness at least
Today a bittersweet new air lives here

Believe in someone is hard and big deal,
Believe in responses of what you feel.   

miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2014

Sonnet 4

In front her eyes a world lives perfect stories
It laughs, it loves, it smiles everyday
No feeling pretty afraid if she worries
‘Cause no one cares she lives another day

A shapeless misty place is dwelt by her
The stars seems to shine so far from here
An isolated garden they don’t care
Were strenuous and weird sounds you can hear     

I want you bring me a sweet horizon
Where everlasting life receives more time
When all the shining perfect lights are on
Like classic twilight means to stay in line

Today she wants to see a friendly way,
Wishing nobody else put her away.